Happening NOW in Westchester/the 9th Judicial District!

The WCLA PAC and Choice Matters Process All “Pro-Choice” candidates are not created equal 20 Candidates for 2 seats—and 2 Seeking Re-election Charles (Charley) Wood, his record, and why WCLA PAC refuses to endorse him This Is Unacceptable: A Survivor’s Right to Privacy We’re all outraged by what is happening in our highest federal and state courts. The US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. A  … Read more

Anti-Choice Extremist Lee Zeldin

We must defeat anti-choice extremist Lee Zeldin! Go to https://wclapac.org/candidates/ to learn more about the Candidates! Vote for Kathy Hochul on November 8th! Song Credit: Remember In November by Sandy Rapp Click Here

The 2022 ProChoice Voting Guide is HERE!

CLICK HERE TO READ THE PROCHOICE VOTING GUIDE!   Explanation/Opinion/Policy WCLA – Choice Matters requires ALL candidates to submit a completed questionnaire in each election cycle in which a candidate is running. As explained in the Endorsement Policy at wclapac.org and prochoicevoter.org, WCLA PAC and ProChoice Voter use WCLA – Choice Matters’ ratings of the  … Read more

Zeldin: Know Your Enemy

YOU NEED TO KNOW: LEE ZELDIN IS A RADICAL ANTI-CHOICE EXTREMIST. Zeldin is endorsed by Susan B Anthony Pro-Life [sic] America because of his perfect ANTI-CHOICE voting record in Congress. Below is his secret questionnaire for Life News which includes that if elected governor, Zeldin will support: >Defunding Planned Parenthood. >Requiring “Informed Consent for a  … Read more

Results of the June 28 Primary

On June 28th, the following candidates won their primaries. Governor of New York State: Kathy Hochul (D) Lt. Governor of New York: Antonio Delgado (D) Assembly District 95 Dana Levenberg (D) Assembly District 92     MaryJane Shimsky (D)

Evolving? When? Suozzi & Williams

We should all be able to agree that an elected official or candidate can “evolve”. They can decide that a position they held at an earlier time is no longer what they believe today. We can, in some instances, even applaud that transformation. But we should also be able to agree that an elected official or candidate cannot  … Read more

Hochul is the ONE!

WCLA PAC Endorses Kathy Hochul for NYS Governor! “WCLA PAC is proud to endorse Kathy Hochul for Governor of New York State. At a time when the US Supreme Court is set to overturn Roe v. Wade and states across the country are banning abortion, New York needs a champion – and that’s Kathy Hochul. She is proving herself  … Read more

Emergency Alert: NYS New Redistricting Maps Spell Disaster

NYS New Redistricting Maps Spell Disaster for Democrats Monday the new redistricting maps were released by the “Special Master” – otherwise called a Republican Tool. These new Republican-favoring seats can mean doom for Democrats unless pro-choice voters get busy. Volunteer for Choice Matters or Donate to WCLA PAC to get pro-choice candidates elected Governor, Senator  … Read more

Before you vote: Know the Truth about Anti-Choice Extremist Christine Sculti

The Company You Keep And what it says about a person…  In this age of misinformation, it is sometimes hard to discern fact from fiction but when a candidate provides you with a history of photographs and contribution receipts, believe it! The Republican candidate for Westchester County Executive, Christine Sculti, is a fanatic of the  … Read more