Judges Matter!

Only vote for the Pro-Choice/Endorsed candidates! Only vote for 2 Supreme Court candidates, Fran Connolly and Rolf Thorsen

Let party leaders know You Are Watching and VOTING! The Democratic Party is letting pro-choice voters down. Just look at Brooklyn where their excuse for supporting an anti-choice woman for NYS Supreme Court is that they didn’t know. Really??? She had published an article opposing the Roe v. Wade decision.

Right here in Westchester, we know because Choice Matters and WCLA PAC make sure party leaders know who can and cannot be trusted with our reproductive healthcare decisions. They chose to ignore us when it came to Supreme Court nominees this year. Not acceptable.

READ MORE: https://wclapac.org/candidates/

For Supreme Court, VOTE for Fran Connolly and Rolf Thorsen, and for Westchester County Court VOTe for Anne Bianchi